Survival Playing Cards - spybriefinggear

Survival Playing Cards


These cards contain little-known tips, tracks and hacks that could save your life! 

They reveal 52 survival tips, hacks, and tricks, including…

 The "tired traveler" trick for covertly setting up an invisible tripwire. It’s a foolproof way to know if someone has been snooping around your home or hotel room.

 Impossible to trace a burner phone, right? Wrong! Here's how simple it actually is and how spies use this against drug cartels.

 How to be in two places at once. Anyone following you is chasing a "ghost"

 How to properly wear your gear and backpack inside a vehicle. Get this wrong and you could be slowed down, tangled up, or killed if you have to escape and evade.

 How to carry invisible survival gear. Works even if you're stopped and methodically frisked

 The simple "Spy Paper" trick that alerts you if intruder's been in your home or hotel room.

 A 2-Step method for spotting a tail when you're traveling on foot.

 Is someone trying to deceive you? Here's the reliable, unconscious "tell" most guilty people show. It helps you become a human lie detector.

 How to gather intel on somebody from hundreds - even thousands - of miles away. It’s got nothing to do with hacking, video recording, drones, or the like.

 The 4-steps to holding an extremely private meeting. Skip one and its open season on your secrets and it’s easy for the government to watch you.

 And much more!
